

2017/10/15 0:26:50 sports8.net 互联网



Cinterprof(巴萨球迷):在巴萨,瓜帅最出色的一招就是把梅西从右路转变为伪九号的角色,而恩式巴萨最大的特点就是让梅西重新回到右路。(Moving Messi from Right wing to False 9 sees Peps’s greatness while GENIUS Move Messi back to RW is why Lucho is rated.)

Rojiblanc0(马竞球迷):苏牙是不是没喝马黛茶就出来了...这样的变现对他而言已经是灾难级了...(Guess Suarez didn't drink any yerba mate before playing today... that performance from him was horrible.)


Skizo17(切尔西球迷):看到梅西都在吐饼,苏牙再能吃也不好意思动嘴了…(He was just not wiiling to score seeing Messi himself was wasting opportunities.)

Username3009(美国球迷):知道什么是进攻型门将吗?小狮子给你提供完美模板。(Do you know what is a attacking goalkeeper is? Tel Stegen may be a good example. )

Feliperc(拜仁球迷):诺伊尔表示不服。(Neuer may say no. )

MorbidB(波尔图球迷):切尼表示很赞。(Ceni liked this.)



UncleGuu(马赛球迷):不知齐祖会不会给球员们先定一个小目标?比如完成个马赛回旋什么的。(I just wonder if Zidane would think Marseille turn just a simple tickle for his players.)

phz10(皇马球迷):C君,我们现在挺好的。你不在的第2周,想你。(Miss you so much Mr.C, we made it well without you these two weeks. )



Inalek(不莱梅球迷):我梅为了让拜仁打一场漂亮比赛可谓用心良苦,就差进个乌龙球了。(We’d done so much for Bayern and the only thing missing from this game is an own goal.)

SHAD0WPATRI0TS(乌迪内斯球迷):诺伊尔真幸运啊,可以在视野这么好的地方看一场球赛。(So lucky that Neuer is basically a spectator in a good place for whole match.)

Pedwrithing(德国球迷):这场比赛追平了德甲史上比分最悬殊揭幕战的记录…而与之持平的那个记录和拜仁有关,只不过是以0-6的比分输给了奥芬巴赫踢球者...(This game ties for highest win in the first game of the Bundesliga season. The other game was also a 6:0 and Bayern was involved. They lost to Kickers Offenbach.)

WWisdom(沙尔克04球迷):唉,谁又能想到,奥芬巴赫踢球者今晚刚刚在德国第四级别联赛里输给了斯坦伯格,现在以-4分的积分排在第四级别联赛倒数第一…(Who lost their Game against teutonia watzenborn-Steinberg(!) tonight in the 4th German Division and are now still Last of the table with -4 pts.)


Metrize(曼联球迷):不莱梅真可惜啊,要是把他们的射门数当成进球数的话,这不就能打平了嘛!(What a pity! Bremen could get at least a draw if their shots count as goals.)


MassiveChap(曼城球迷):喜娃如此多娇,引无数球迷竞折腰。(David Silva is fucking awesome. He is liked by so many fans.

StalkingDwarf(曼城球迷):斯特林状态回暖就是最佳引援,最强之人已在阵中。(refreshed Sterling is the best transfer this summer, he was just so marvelous.)

FedorN98(未知主队球迷):瓜迪奥拉在曼城绝对被高估了,他的成就还不是因为斯特西!(Pep is overrated, his success is due to Sterlingessi.)


Skizo17(切尔西球迷):我觉得切尔西,曼城和曼联将铁定会进入前四,那么问题来了,剩下一个名额会是阿森纳、利物浦还是热刺呢?(I think Chelsea, Manchester City, and Manchester United are locked in for top four. Only question is will Arsenal, Liverpool, or Tottenham Hotspur join them?)

kingpinnn(阿森纳球迷):真正的粉丝,就算什么都不说也知道我指的是谁。(I don’t need to say any word and Arsenal fans may know it.)


ChelseaNostra(切尔西球迷):阿森纳就是这种球队,这场比赛踢得像巴萨一样好,但下一场比赛可能就踢得像布莱克浦一样了...(Arsenal are well and truly the team that can go fromlooking like Barcelona one week, to Blackpool the next.)

Rudygha(利物浦球迷):这算啥,我军在同一场比赛里就可以完成这些。(Liverpool instead do both in the same game.)


MrMarris(阿森纳球迷):穆斯塔菲的转会就像是我们在日常要完成的一件任务一样,刚开始时全在偷懒扯皮,直到最后一天才慌慌张张地加班搞完...(Mustafi’s transfer reminds me of working in a project; lots ofbargaining and delays, then everything unexpectedly comes together in aday. )

Mojam(阿森纳球迷):花这么多钱,是不是意味着我们将有400个工作人员要下岗了?(That would be atleast 400 employees laid off for this sum of money.)


Plamdiggin(曼联球迷):穆帅,多给拉什福德一点机会吧,哪怕每个补时让他上场也行... 他能在我们曾经最黄金的时间里进球的!(Give Rashford more chace even in extra time please! He can always score in the golden minutes as we used to have…)


Savage9645(摩纳哥球迷):刚看新闻时,我真的以为是那帮傻瓜把比分给写反了...比赛前我都祈祷着少输当赢的...(Fuck me….I just thought they made the result opposite down. Honestly before the game I hoped that losing fewer would be a kind of win. )

Thegrone(巴黎球迷):没事,按照伊布转会惯例,我们今年应该夺得欧冠了!(It dosen’t matter as we will win CL this year as Ibra left.)

Watfordm8(沃特福德球迷):这个...今年伊布参加的是欧联杯,再加上爱美丽的buff,我觉得你们得欧联杯冠军才是稳如狗…(Well...Ibra would play europe league this year and you’d better fight for this, not alone your coach is an expert in it.


MrBigShot247(阿森纳球迷):对一支年年打宇宙队的球队而言,和巴黎分一组已经很不错了…(At least we are not with Barca or Bayern in group stage so Paris seems good.)

Ymericlapor(巴伦西亚球迷):我觉得你们基本会在小组赛输给巴塞尔,然后再史诗般地战胜巴黎而获得小组第二名。(Arsenal lose to Basel and get a heroic win against PSG to clinch 2nd place confirmed.)

VOROBI(标准列日球迷):然后在淘汰赛先主场1-3输给根本哈根,然后再客场2-0站死…(…and lose 1-3 to Copenhagen at home but win 2-0 in Denmark.)

Yubiscarat(曼城球迷):其实小组赛打巴萨也挺好的,省得淘汰赛第一轮又被他们淘汰了…(Actually I think it a good thing to meet Barca in group stage so that we won’t be wiped out by them in the first knockout round.)

XavGrav(皇马球迷):咳咳,我觉得你们小组出线后,基本就是在我皇和拜仁之间选一个了...立帖为证。(Hum...you might be faced with us or Bayern then I bet.)

Snakeofpain(凯尔特人球迷):连续三年和巴萨分在一个小组...我们这是成了嫁到那里的媳妇儿了吗?(3 Group stages in a row… are we married to Barcelona?)

Pusiano(阿贾克斯球迷):假如我们进了欧冠的话,十有八九也是会和巴萨分到一组的...(If Ajax were in the CL, we'd probably draw them again too)

MrFace1(AC米兰球迷):说到欧冠踢巴萨,我米以前不是针对谁…(It’s us who used to meet with Barca in CL…)




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